Tournament Rules

Who’s Who Ohio
Premiere Preseason Tournament

Tournament Participation Fee: $55
Tournament Entry
Youth 12 to 18 years old Entry: $5
Adult Entry Fee: $10
Adult Entry with Coaches Band: $20

Who’s Who Ohio
Premiere Preseason Tournament Flyer

Who’s Who Ohio
Premiere Preseason Tournament Rules

  • The Who’s Who Ohio Premiere Preseason Tournament will follow National High School Federation rules, with these exceptions:
  • K-6th grade bouts will be (3) one-minute periods.
  • 7th and 8th grade bouts will be (3) one minute thirty seconds periods
  • If wrestlers should go out-of-bounds, or if there is a lack of mat activity, they will be brought back to a neutral starting position.
  • We will be using the college out-of-bounds rule. Wrestling will continue until all parts of both wrestlers are out of bounds, OR for the safety of the wrestlers.
  • 12-point technical fall.
  • If the score is tied at the end of the 3 periods, there will be a 30-second sudden death ride-out period. The person who scored the first point in the match picks top or bottom.  If no point was scored during the match the referee will conduct a coin flip to determine who picks. 
  • The minimum rest time between matches will be 15 minutes.
  • A maximum of 90 seconds and two injury time-outs are allowed during a match.  A third injury time-out ends the match. 
  • Blood time is 5 min. maximum.
  • A maximum of two people will be permitted in each wrestler’s corner.
  • Headgears are encouraged, but not required.
  • Questioning the official’s judgment, 1st offense – warning, 2nd offense – one match point, 3rd time – the coach is out of the tournament.
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct by coaches, 1st offense – one match point.  2nd offense – Coach is out of the tournament.
  • Flagrant misconduct (coaches or wrestlers): out of the tournament  – 1st offense.

Finalist Singlets